July 2020

 We the people of God are on the path of righteousness and it is like the dawn, shining brighter and brighter.  Proverbs 4:18.   God is re-shaping things around us, and strengthening each one of us to step through the divine portals into our destiny!  Make sure there is nothing blocking the way. 
Recently in the yard at our house, one of our giant trees fell over at 3 AM during the middle of a storm.   It was about 6 feet wide at the base, and we estimated it to be around 70 feet tall.  In the past, it had branches that were the size of trees that had fallen on our house.   We have been speaking to this tree to come down.  So were glad to see it go.  It became an obstacle that had to “Be removed and cast into the sea.”  Mark 11:23  This time it was as though the angels gently lowered it to the ground, and nothing was damaged.  We had professionals come in and remove the tree and grind the stump.  It was expensive but worth every penny because they knew what they were doing and a crew of 5 took care of it so quickly.
This reminds me so much of the tree in Luke 19:1-10 that the rich tax collector, Zacchaeus, climbed up on so he could see Jesus passing by. 
Here’s some facts about Sycamore trees:
We pray total health & protection over you and your loved ones.   While the world is getting darker, 
They can live 400 to 600 years.   
  • They can grow 98 to 130 feet tall.
  • They can become 5 to 6 1/2 feet in diameter.
  • So you see, when Jesus walked up to the tree and said “Zacchaeus, hurry up and come down, for I must stay at your house today”  He must have been way up there, otherwise He wouldn’t have told him to hurry down.  Zacchaeus was trying to elevate himself, because he was the little guy, and everyone hated him because He became rich from taking taxes from his countrymen. 
    Jesus came to where He was & looked up to him.  No one else would do that.  Jesus called him by his name, which was probably a supernatural Word of Knowledge because they didn’t know each other.  Zacchaeus means clean and pure, so Jesus was calling him back to His destiny.  Zacchaeus joyfully   received Jesus into His home, his heart and His future, and it changed him completely. 
    It is time for us to get excited about a whole new presence of God coming into our lives, our homes and our plans.  God is clearing away the obstacles that have hindered the total fulfillment of His  perfect plans! 

    Jesus is calling each of us back into our destiny to prepare us for our future.  


    Prophetic Word from the Lord:  
    The enemy has tried to get in and distract you by stirring up evil and discord.  Lies, Lies, Lies!     When there is discord things do not seem to go right.   Sometimes it is evil, full of lies but other times you just need to spend time together to understand each other & work it out.  If you can come into unity that is the best way but if you can’t then remove the discord all around you because it is death to your spirit, your soul & your body.  It can end up bringing great destruction to you.  This is a time that we all need to be in the same boat.   Use your faith to stay in the boat because I am calling you so that we can go to the other side. 
    I have not called you insignificant, I call you clean and pure in my sight.  I call you to greatness,   I call you to my side.   Let me be your anointed one as I declare GOOD NEWS to your situation.   Everything is turning around, and whatever has held you back in the past is falling to the ground because you have invited my presence into your life on a new level.   Walk with me as I  demonstrate my love for you in new ways, and you will not be disappointed. 




    July Partner Update:
    The Lord has been talking to us about being nice.   Supernaturally nice by going out of our way to call  people, encourage people, talk to people and be a blessing, like Jesus did to Zacchaeus.   Life can get busy, but don’t ever let it get so busy that you don’t reach out to those you care about and those that matter to you.  Check on them, make sure they are ok, take them out to eat and be friends.   Surround yourself with those of the same household of faith. 
    We love All of you so much & know that miracles are increasing in your life, your family, your businesses and your ministry.   We always pray that you are filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and  supernatural understanding.  (Colossians 1:9)  We release our faith with yours this month as you give, for the complete manifestation of the hundredfold return on your investment in the Kingdom of God.               

    Thank you and may RIVERS OF BLESSINGS continue to flow your way! 
